An open letter to the misogynistic comments made by Kyoto’s vice governor at the Tomorrow Mobility Conference

TW: Slutshaming, microagression, sexual harassment.
観覧注意:Slut Shamingマイクロアグレッション、セクハラ

Last week, specifically between the 15th to the 17th of November, I attended the Tomorrow Mobility Conference / Smart City Expo with my team as the domain I work in is closely related to innovation in mobility & automotive aftermarket.

During the event, the vice governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Akimasa Yamashita approached our booth as I gave a short tour to talk about the different mobility solutions that we’ve been working in specifically in electrification and smart mobility.

Later on, with a colleague we stumbled across the Japan pavilion and we decided to stay a bit to listen to the speeches given by different individuals, and to talk with different actors involved in the Mobility Industry.

There again, I ran across the vice governor. Making conversation, and since I represent voice up japan, I wanted to know which department overlooked the initiatives regarding gender equality. I mentioned that I had founded Voice Up Japan and spoke about the different initiatives— one being sexual harassment.

his comment was “haha, I’m basically constructed of sexual harassment”.

I didn’t know what to say to such an absurd comment, translated his misogynistic comment to my colleague and walked away.

The day after, I passed him as I was in the conference and the first thing I realized is how he stared from head to toe, some extra time looking at my legs as I walked away uncomfortably.

Unfortunately, I passed by him again as I walked from the conference to my hotel (we stayed right next to the conference arena). Trying to be polite, I greeted him saying good morning, and he said “I see you’re surrounded by different men AGAIN." as he walked away.

What did this comment intend to mean? That I am just wandering across this conference, sleeping with every single person I walked with? Or that nobody like me would ever actually be in this conference for profesional reasons? Or both of the above?

This comment stuck to me, till now, which is why I am writing this open letter which will also be sent to the prefecture of Kyoto.
1. Such a misogynistic, objectifying comment should not be tolerated and it is a shame that a person representing Kyoto Prefecture—-which also is the hometown of my late grandfather that passed away this year, and also my father.

2. Even if he had all the intention to insult me, the slut-shaming culture, especially for women has to come to an end. Trade shows still have escorts in the hotels where the participants are staying at. Trade shows still have bikini-top women standing next to the booths. Why do the women have to receive all of the shaming when none of these men are held accountable?
I hope the prefecture of Kyoto, takes some concrete decisions, and more than anything starts taking sexual harassment seriously because from the multiple comments received, it is very clear that abolishing harassment, achieving gender equality nor diminishing gender-based violence is on top of your priorities.
Kazuna Yamamoto

先日、11月15-17日にかけ、スペインのバルセロナで行われたTomorrow Mobility 会議/ Smart City Expoに、現在関わっている事業のチームと参加をしました。現在私自身は、モビリティーや自動車業界におけるイノベーションやスタートアップ投資戦略などに関わっております。



そしたら、またそこで山下副知事に直面をし、せっかくなので京都府で男女共同参画に関わっているのは誰かと尋ねました。そしたら、自分自身の担当の一つである、と言われました。なのでその機会に、とVoice Up Japanの説明やどういった事業をやっているか、京都府にも支部があるということを伝え、今行っているセクハラを撲滅するための事業に関して話しました。





今まで一緒に歩き回っていた同僚と全員性的な関係を持ってるというSlut Shamingなのか?それとも、私みたいな人がこの業界やこの会議に、仕事として参加しないという意味?それとも両方?

1. こんなにミソジニー溢れるコメントを何度もする方が京都府の副知事であっていいのか。京都府は私の亡き祖父、そして父(父は元気です)の故郷でもあり、私の実家の一つでもある場所。副知事だとしても、特に日本を代表して世界中の参加者が集まるような場に出すのはどうなのか。

2. わざと、私を侮辱するために言っていたとしても、このSlut Shamingの文化を掘っておくわけにはいかないと思います。未だにこの業界の会議では、参加者のホテルにエスコートがいたり、まだまだ展示会ではビキニやHootersの格好をした女性が並んでいます。なのに、こういった批判やコメントを受けるのは女性ばかり。いつになったら、男性は自分達の行動に責任を持つのか。




An Open Inquiry to the Governor of Kyoto | 京都府知事への公開質問状


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